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Our People

Who We Are

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Nick Zent


Co founder of EFFC - born and raised in the PNW, Nick is an avid angler born into fishing on local waters. He prefers fishing beads and jigs for salmon and steelhead, and flies for trout. His favorite species to target are Cutthroat & Rainbow Trout, & Coho. When he is not on the river he loves cooking and spending time with his wife and kids. 

Rivers: North & East Fork Lewis , Kalama, Columbia

Gear: Jigs, Spinners, all things beads

Flies: Deer Hair Caddis, Chernobyls, Parachute Adams

Mike Heimbuch


Mike is the other founding member of EFFC. He has been fishing his entire life but just recently got into the fly thing - although he has pulled lots of stockies out of Battle Ground lake growing up with his dad. He met Nick in high school when he joined his band and have been hanging out ever since. Mike has been very into off-trail hiking and photography the last few years and visiting these remote places made his curiosity in fly fishing grow. 

Rivers: Washougal and Lewis (both forks) both river systems have year round options, and are easy access.

Gear: Mike hates gear.

Flies: Prefer to throw dry flies because I like the visual aspect and the caddis is probably my favorite because it has landed me the most fish. The PNW Coachman is my over all favorite fly to throw, just need large bugs to be hatching for it to be effective.

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